Pouncival, also known as Carbucketty, is a playful tom kitten. He admires the Rum Tum Tugger very much and tries to be like him. He seems to find Bombalurina very attractive...he repeatedly comes on to her during the Jellicle Ball and the Rum Tum Tugger's song. Most people find this cute, I find it kind of weird...while the Rum Tum Tugger is seducing the kittens Bombalurina is sort of standing there suffering, and Pouncival thrusts his butt in her face like "Hey, don't waste your time with him, I'm here" and Bombalurina pushes him away "get away from me".
Pouncival's best friend is Tumblebrutus. He is also friends with Plato...in the movie they kind of have this "bro" thing going where they parallel the female kittens' Rum Tum Tugger fan club, but they want to be him instead of to be his mate.
Pouncival is one of the kittens who is not initially prejudiced against Grizabella, but is eventually turned against her. In the background at the beginning of "Grizabella, the Glamour Cat" you can see Plato and Tumblebrutus pushing him. I guess he first bullies Grizabella on a dare or something, but after a while he really gets into it and is the principal cause of her misery, which I find hard to forgive.
Useful Facts About the Role
Pouncival does no solo singing...on the other hand he does a lot of dancing and acrobatic tricks. If you don't like the serious performing as much as playing around, this might be a good role for you.
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