Sunday, October 28, 2012


(Annnd we come to my favorite character! Yes, I know there's usually only one picture and there are two here, but I couldn't decide between the two of them, so deal with it. Again, I'll do my best to stick with the facts, even though I've developed a pretty intricate and complex interpretation of her.)

"She's saying, 'The man was wonderful when he made love to me...but I hated him.'"
--Gillian Lynne, choreographer

Demeter is a very shy, paranoid cat. Like Bombalurina, she has some sort of history with Macavity, and seems to have a complex range of emotions involving him--fear, love, hate (although this could be just me). She is the one who reveals him, and he targets her during his attack.
Demeter seems to feel empathy for Grizabella, understanding how much the old cat has suffered, and twice tries to approach her, but the first time runs away in fear, and the second time is stopped by Bombalurina. She tells Grizabella's story as an attempt to get the other cats to accept her, but can be swayed by the other cats' obvious revulsion.
Demeter seems to love Bombalurina a lot, although they sometimes disagree about Macavity. (Demeter focuses more on his crime history, Bombalurina more on his physical attributes.) She usually lets the older cat touch her and protect her, although she pushes her away when Macavity sneaks in after their song.
Why Demeter claws the Rum Tum Tugger during his song is unknown. My personal theory is that she sees through him and is trying to protect herself; other theories could be that he reminds her of Macavity, or that she is getting revenge for the way he treats Bombalurina.

Useful Facts About the Role

There aren't quite as many awkward moments for Demeter as for Bombalurina, but she does participate in the mating dance, and there is one very tense moment where Macavity and Munkustrap are fighting for her and then Alonzo pulls her off. In the movie, she and Munkustrap share a kiss after Macavity disappears, but this doesn't happen in most other productions.
Acting is very important for Demeter's role. Her three "Macavity!" shrieks are a few of the only spoken lines in the show. Singing is also pretty important--I've read that she's a mezzo soprano part, which seems to make sense. Except for the Macavity dance, Jennyanydots' dance, and the mating dance, Aeva May as Demeter was usually placed in back, and from the glimpses I caught of her, she was an okay dancer, but mainly given simple moves. So you have to be able to dance, but you don't have to excel at it.
One more very important fact: If you're ever auditioning for Demeter and you see me, you might want to turn and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Rum Tum Tugger

"Rum Tum Tugger loves being center of attention, and that's good, because he has a rock-star personality to suit that, and he carries this sort of anarchic energy that's just awesome to play."
--James Keam, Rum Tum Tugger 

(Okay, the obvious challenge here is for me not to be horribly biased. The Rum Tum Tugger is probably my least favorite character after Pouncival...and not just because they're Bombalurina's love interests! They're just so...don't get me started.)

The Rum Tum Tugger is handsome, sexual, arrogant, and independent. His first entrance as a "chorus cat" portrays him as proud, and this idea continues throughout the show. His more official entrance later on is his greatest moment, but he is reluctant to give up the spotlight. He seems very annoyed when Grizabella arrives, interrupting his dance, and holds a grudge against her nearly to the end of the show, although he does encourage her to sing "Memory" and to rise to the Heaviside Layer.
He enjoys the attention of the she-cats, although he generally pushes them away. The few female cats who don't participate in his dance (Demeter, Jellylorum, Jennyanydots) he goes after with more strength. Grizabella, being too old, is of no use to him. He likes to play with the hearts of everyone else, especially Bombalurina, and then to break their hearts.
Because he looks somewhat like Macavity, some people wonder if they're brothers, especially considering Bombalurina's relationship to both. The Rum Tum Tugger disappears during Macavity's big moment, but returns in time to suggest Mr. Mistoffelees as a way to restore Old Deuteronomy. He seems to be good friends with Mr. Mistoffelees, although he could just be presenting him as a way to add to his own spotlight, or maybe as revenge for Quaxo (see Mr. Mistoffelees post for information on Mistoffelees versus Quaxo) making fun of him during his own song.

Useful Facts About the Role

The Rum Tum Tugger is greatly a dance role--leads several dances during the Jellicle Ball. He also does a lot of singing and acting, and has a few speaking lines that describe Mr. Mistoffelees. His voice I think is not so much a musical theater voice as a classic rock voice, or maybe pop...I'm not really sure. I just know it's very modern and is supposed to be attractive.
There is probably a costume change involved between The Naming of Cats and his official entrance, but there's time, and the change isn't too complicated.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


"Munkustrap is really the storyteller. He's entrusted with giving the information to the other, maybe younger, cats who have not been to the Jellicle Ball before: He gets up and says exactly what they're here to do. He's also a caretaker of the kittens, wants to make sure everybody's safe; in all the Macavity scares he's there to protect the Tribe, so he is the protector."
--Michael Gruber, Munkustrap

Munkustrap is certainly a leader among the Jellicles--my sister has often complained that sometimes one of the other cats will be doing their thing, like Asparagus at the end of "Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats" or Quaxo in "Invitation to the Jellicle Ball", and then Munkustrap comes in and takes over. I don't see him that way personally--I think he's just doing his job.
Old Deuteronomy clearly trusts Munkustrap with important tasks like organizing everyone before his arrival, and at various points cats are seen going to Munkustrap for orders or help. He does most of the work fighting Macavity off, and helps defend Demeter from the mystery cat's clutches.
No, I am not going to go into who Munkustrap's mate is, because there is too much controversy. The most popular choice is Demeter (I personally don't agree with it...), but just about everyone has a different alternative option, so I'm leaving it at that.
Munkustrap doesn't seem to trust Grizabella, and is usually the last one to leave when cats run away from her, wanting to make sure that everyone gets to safety before he does.
Munkustrap is a pretty serious cat, but he can also have fun and enjoys playing around with the other cats when he can. He seems to have a close friendship with Jennyanydots.

Useful Facts About the Role

Munkustrap is the only real speaking role, if you don't count the (completely spoken) "Song of the Jellicles" and "Naming of Cats". A few other cats have short lines, but he definitely has the most and the longest. He also does quite a bit of singing and dancing.


"Bombalurina is very sassy, very confident. She kind of has her paw in every group, she always knows what's going around, especially with the male cats."
--Caitlin De Kuyper, Bombalurina

Bombalurina is a seductive red queen. That seems to be her signature trait, and shallow as it may seem, there's not much anyone can do about it, since throughout the musical she keeps finding ways to come on to various cats. She is the first female cat to take part in the mating dance, and the opening choreography to it shows Alonzo, Quaxo, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival fighting over her, although in the end she is paired off with the Rum Tum Tugger. Like most of the other she-cats, she seems to find the Rum Tum Tugger especially attractive. Unsurprisingly, many fanfiction writers, me included, find a way to put them together...
Bombalurina also has a talent for showing up in fanfiction as a villainness. I'm not quite sure why this is, even though even I generally think of her when I'm reading about a beautiful and evil character in some fantasy book. My best guess is that this happens because she so completely holds fans, both male and female, under her spell, and it scares them. (I know it scared me!)
Probably because of her own strength and beauty, Bombalurina has a tendency to scorn the older cats, with the exception of Old Deuteronomy. She takes part in both Jennyanydots and Bustopher Jones' songs, and seems to find a way to make fun of both without directly insulting them. She also has a strong prejudice against Grizabella, maybe because she is afraid that one day she will become like the older cat.
Bombalurina has some sort of intimate history with Macavity, and seems to still be attracted to him, even though she also shows hurt and anger and fear of him.
Bombalurina's closest friend is Demeter, although she also seems to have a good relationship with Jellylorum. Bombalurina and Demeter are often assumed to be sisters, although not always. Bombalurina is very protective of the younger cat, possibly as leftover paranoia from when Macavity terrorized them.

Useful Facts About the Role

Well, obviously, you need to have a good, seriously, this is  one of the roles where physical appearance and ability is pretty important. Dancing, acting and singing all play a big part in Bombalurina's role, but I would put importance roughly in the above order. She is definitely an alto part.
I think that all the most awkward interactions are covered by the Rum Tum Tugger, although in some productions Pouncival joins in. I really hate to say this...but it's pretty obvious...if you want to play Bombalurina, you'll need to be okay with being touched.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Old Deuteronomy

"Well, he's the Jellicle leader of the Tribe that we are in 'Cats'; he's the oldest member, and he's probably the father of a lot of them, I think, actually."
--Ken Page, Old Deuteronomy

Old Deuteronomy is a wise old cat, much loved by everyone in the Tribe. Most people think that he is the father of Munkustrap and the Rum Tum Tugger, as they sing the song that introduces him. I personally wouldn't have drawn that conclusion, but it seems to work. It seems that, whoever he is actually the biological father to, he is basically the father of the whole Tribe. Everyone loves, trusts, and respects him.
After the second Macavity scare, he calls everyone back and assures them that they are safe. Macavity, apparently seeing this, uses it in his attempt to take over the Tribe by disguising himself as Old Deuteronomy.
Old Deuteronomy seems to have a better relationship with Grizabella than most of the Tribe. He may have known her when she was young and beautiful--he certainly seems very moved both times that she sings "Memory", and tries to convince the other cats to give her a second chance. He is the one to take her up to the Heaviside Layer, and reassures her that it is the right time for her to go.
When Macavity captures Old Deuteronomy, there is much worry among the whole Tribe, for to lose their leader would make them fall apart. When Mr. Mistoffelees restores him, he receives much praise and honor. Old Deuteronomy seems to have a special relationship with the magical young cat, although he could just be grateful that Mr. Mistoffelees saved his life.
Old Deuteronomy clearly loves the kittens, but gives his attention to every cat equally. He has an interesting relationship with the Rum Tum Tugger as well--he seems to understand him better than most, but also to expect more from him.

Useful Facts About the Role

Except for a few steps in "Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat", Old Deuteronomy does no dancing, but instead oversees the dancing from the top of the set. Singing and acting are both important.
As with Grizabella, you do not have to be old to play Old Deuteronomy. Ken Page first played the role when he was twenty-eight years old.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Gus, or Asparagus, is the oldest cat in the Tribe after Grizabella. He was once a famous actor, but is now old and weak. He still is, however, strong-minded and opinionated.

Useful Facts About the Role

 Although Gus is considered one of the main leads, he only in fact sings one song--"Gus: The Theatre Cat"--in most current productions, and is offstage for most of the show. In productions that include "Growltiger's Last Stand", he will play Growltiger, and this may include some dancing. Otherwise, he only sings and acts, and is usually played by a middle-aged or older actor.


In the movie, Asparagus is a separate character from Gus the Theatre Cat. He is a singer and dancer with several solo lines, but has no connection to Gus. "Asparagus" might in other productions be known as Ghengis, George, Bill Bailey or Carbucketty.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


"Grizabella, well...she's really an old, dilapidated cat who's had a very good life indeed...and has been in a few scrapes in her life...I think she has a few regrets, and I think she may now at this point in her life feel a little tired and lonely--and certainly feels rejected in this piece, because every time she appears, poor thing, they all shun her. And she just wants to be loved, and to be involved in the life of the community of these cats...and they don't want her around."
--Elaine Paige, Grizabella

Well, it's hard to top that description, especially since it's coming from the actress for whom--well, I won't say that playing Grizabella was her whole life, because I know she had other roles beforehand, but I will say that Grizabella was one of the main points of her life. However, I do have a few things to add.
Although I think most fanfiction writers prefer to focus on the younger cats, Grizabella is definitely one of the most interesting and mysterious characters. We know that she was once beautiful and adventurous, daring to go places that most respectable cats would not. However, exactly what that means, and what happened to her between that glamorous time and the Jellicle Ball when she returns, is up for interpretation.
It is always made evident that the other cats are frightened or disgusted by her, but we don't know whether this is just because of her ragged looks (under which is hidden a sparkling costume left over from when she was young, sometimes revealed as she ascends to the Heaviside Layer), or because of what they know of her past.
Not all cats immediately hate Grizabella--the younger cats are generally more accepting of her, but are either repeatedly kept away from her by their elders, or eventually persuaded by them that she is dangerous. Those that stay on her side eventually help her regain the Tribe's acceptance.

Useful Facts About the Role

 Grizabella only appears for four songs and sometimes in the middle of the Jellicle Ball for a few seconds, but she is considered the main lead. The same actress may (as in the movie) play a "chorus cat" in the earlier songs, but Grizabella's real entrance is "Grizabella: The Glamour Cat".
Her most significant song is "Memory", and for that you probably need an alto voice, although I've done it as a soprano. Acting and singing are equally important; dancing, not so much. Unless she's a chorus cat, Grizabella's only dancing will happen before she sings "Memory" the first time, and there it's supposed to look bad. If there is a flashback Grizabella who dances, she will probably be played by one of the actresses who has a smaller role and won't be missed, but is a good dancer.
You do not have to be old to play Grizabella!